More than 1200 artists
from 72 countries support
Drawing Dreams' initiative:
001 Armenia
057 Australia
015 Austria
001 Bangladesh
002 Belarus
014 Belgium
011 Brazil
002 Bulgaria
060 Canada
001 China
006 Colombia
003 Costa Rica
002 Croatia
001 Cyprus
002 Czech Republic
003 Denmark
001 Dubai UAE
001 Ecuador
001 El Salvador
003 Finland
046 France
003 Georgia
049 Germany
008 Greece
001 Haiti
001 Hungary
004 India
003 Indonesia
003 Iran
018 Israel
056 Italy
013 Japan
002 Latvia
006 Lithuania
003 Malaysia
007 Mexico
001 Moldova
001 Monaco
005 New Zealand
003 Norway
001 Pakistan
006 Romania
026 Russia
010 Scotland, UK
006 Serbia
008 Singapore
001 Slovakia
001 Slovenia
009 South Africa
006 South Korea
044 Spain
007 Sweden
004 Switzerland
009 Taiwan
002 Thailand
004 Turkey
006 Ukraine
143 United Kingdom
816 United States
002 Uruguay
001 Venezuela
007 Vietnam
001 Yugoslavia
Global Support
donating the art supplies to the
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth.
Your donation allows The Child
Life Program to arts and crafts
and activities not only for the
inpatients, but also for the
outpatient areas that see
pediatric patients."
The Child Life Team
Children's Hospital
Lebannon, New Hampshire
© Harry Campbell, all rights reserverd
© Brentwood School, all rights reserved
"Thank you so much for your many
donations and for thinking of the
Research Hospital. Your donation of
scratch & sketch art activity books as
well as the origami kits will bring
many smiles to the children's faces
and make their time at St. Jude a
little Brighter."
Doni Anderson
Child Life Program
St. Jude Children's Research
Memphis, Tennessee